Spring Into Action: Essential Roofing Maintenance Tips for Your Home

Spring is a time of renewal and rejuvenation— the weather is warming up and the flowers are blooming. But it’s also the perfect time for a thorough assessment of your home's roofing condition after the harsh Philadelphia winter months. After the winter, a little bit of roof care is crucial to ensure it remains in prime condition.

Inspect and Clear Your Gutters

Your gutters are a key part of maintaining the structural integrity of your roof and your home. During winter, snow and ice can accumulate and solidify in the gutters. When spring comes, debris like as twigs, leaves, and dirt can clog them up, so start your spring roofing maintenance with a thorough cleaning of your gutters.

Look for Weather Damage

Winter weather can be brutal on Philadelphia homes, so inspect your roof for any signs of damage caused by storms, ice and low temperatures. Missing, cracked, or curling shingle are all indicators of weather damage that you shouldn’t ignore. Make note of any sagging or signs of water damage to your roof's structure. If you notice any major issues, it's time to contact your trusted roofing company for a professional assessment.

Trim Overhanging Branches

Spring is also an ideal time to cut back overhanging branches, which can prevent potential damage from fallen limbs and help reduce the accumulation of leaves on the roof surface. Clearing overhanging branches from around the area near your roof can also discourage any small animals from nesting there.

 Check for Moss and Algae Growth

Moss and algae can damage your roof by sitting on the roof’s surface and preventing moisture from evaporating off of the roof’s surface. In freezing conditions, the excess moisture trapped underneath can lead to cracks and other damage, but applying zinc or copper strips can help prevent them growing on the roof.

Check any Roof Flashing

Another maintenance tip is to check the flashing around roof features like chimneys, vents, and skylights. Flashing is a water-resistant barrier, but over time, it can come loose or get damaged, allowing water to seep into your home. If you notice any issues with your roof's flashing, get it repaired or replaced quickly to avoid leaks.

Attic Ventilation

Good attic ventilation can extend the life of your roof, because poor ventilation can lead to a buildup of heat and moisture in the attic that damage your roofing materials. Look for signs of unwanted moisture, like mold or water stains on the underside of the roof deck, which can indicate inadequate ventilation. Addressing these issues early can prevent more severe damage to your roof and home.


Arrange a Professional Inspection

While personal inspections are great, having a real expert inspect your roof can uncover tons of issues you might have missed. A professional roofer will carry out a detailed inspection, and identify any areas that might need immediate repair.

Develop a Maintenance Plan

Regular maintenance is key to extending the life of your roof, and proper roof maintenance in Spring can save you from costly repairs in the future months.

David Matthews