Preparing Your Philadelphia Roof for Winter

Philadelphia winters can range from mild to harsh, with potential for heavy snowfalls, freezing rain, and icy conditions. Preparing your Philadelphia roof for winter means taking steps to prevent damage, prolong the life of your roof, and ensure the safety and comfort of your home.

Winter places particular demands on our roofs, so let’s delve into the specifics of preparing your Philly roof for the winter months to ensure your home remains warm, dry, and protected.

Clear the Gutters:

Fall in Philadelphia means beautiful fall foliage, but some of those beautiful leaves are likely to end up in your gutters. Clearing out your gutters regularly before winter helps you avoid any issues. If you don’t clear them out, rain, melting snow and ice can’t drain properly, which can eventually cause leaks and damage.

Trim Overhanging Branches:

Heavy snow and ice can weigh down tree branches, causing them to break. If these branches hang over your roof, they could cause significant damage. Ensure you trim them back in the fall to prevent any winter mishaps.

Do a Roof Inspection:

Inspect your roof for any signs of damage before winter hits. Look for missing, loose, or damaged shingles that might leak during storms or when snow melts. Even better, consider hiring a professional roofing service in Philadelphia, like Pace Roofing, to make sure you don’t miss any signs of damage. Repairs and prevention can save you a lot of money and trouble in the long run.

Check Flashing:

Ensure that the flashing around chimneys, vents, and other roof projections is intact and secure. This will prevent water and melted snow from penetrating these vulnerable spots.

Prepare for Ice Dams:

Ice dams form when the heat from inside your house melts the snow on your roof. This water then refreezes, forming a barrier (or "dam") that traps more snow and water. This can lead to leaks and significant damage. Proper insulation and ventilation are your best defense against ice dams.

Watch Out for Icicles:

While they may look pretty, icicles can indicate that there's a problem with drainage or ice dams. They can also pose a risk if they fall. Remove them carefully, making sure not to stand directly underneath.

Remove Snow Promptly:

After a heavy snowstorm hits, remove the snow from your roof promptly. Excessive snow weight can add strain to your roof, especially if your roof is older or has existing damage. Use a roof rake or hire a professional to remove snow safely.


Roof health isn't just about immediate repairs; it's a long-term investment in your home. With a little preparation, your roof will be ready to face whatever winter throws at it, keeping you and your family cozy and dry.

For top-notch roofing solutions this winter, look no further than Pace Roofing Philadelphia. With our commitment to quality and competitive pricing, your roof is in safe hands. Reach out to us for a no-obligation estimate and ensure your home remains protected all winter long.

David Matthews